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Helper function bpf_redirect



Copyright (c) 2015 The Libbpf Authors. All rights reserved.

Redirect the packet to another net device of index ifindex. This helper is somewhat similar to bpf_clone_redirect\ (), except that the packet is not cloned, which provides increased performance.

Except for XDP, both ingress and egress interfaces can be used for redirection. The BPF_F_INGRESS value in flags is used to make the distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag is present, egress path otherwise). Currently, XDP only supports redirection to the egress interface, and accepts no flag at all.

The same effect can also be attained with the more generic bpf_redirect_map(), which uses a BPF map to store the redirect target instead of providing it directly to the helper.


For XDP, the helper returns XDP_REDIRECT on success or XDP_ABORTED on error. For other program types, the values are TC_ACT_REDIRECT on success or TC_ACT_SHOT on error.

static long (* const bpf_redirect)(__u32 ifindex, __u64 flags) = (void *) 23;


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome

Program types

This helper call can be used in the following program types:


#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>

int bpf_clone_redirect_example(struct __sk_buff *skb) {

    __u32 if_index = 2; // interface index to redirect to

    return bpf_redirect(if_index, 0);

char LICENSE[] SEC("license") = "Dual BSD/GPL";